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Sample News Article One
- December 16, 2019
- , 3:04 pm
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Hey, so my name is Deacon Paschal Uche, I am currently in my 6th and final year at Oscott Seminary and I wanted to share with you something of the amazing time I have had this past week while leading a parish mission.
Firstly, as a seminarian I am here to pray, study and do some pastoral work, so when I heard I was leading a mission with my house group I was excited but a little rattled, isn’t this asking a bit much I thought? Oh, a little aside, the whole seminary is split in to several house groups and they in turn are attached to Parishes throughout Birmingham.
So 17th of November and my house group gets ready for a week of mission! In the build-up to this we prayed and planned but mission is always unpredictable territory, a time where God is given space to do what he wants to do through us! Each night we had songs of praise and worship followed by a great speaker and finished with a time of adoration.
On the Wednesday, there was a healing mass and the chance for confession, prayer ministry and reflection at various stations around the church.
On Friday, a group of us and the parishioners took hats, socks, gloves, coffee and chocolate to Birmingham city centre where we could meet the homeless. This was incredibly touching and life giving for us.
On Saturday, we lit a darkened church with candles and exposed Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament for a night of adoration and night fever. If your unfamiliar with night fever it is a great apostolate where you go out in two’s and invite people to come and light a candle in Church. The numbers and diversity of people that came in on a wet, cold Saturday night was true a true testament to God’s spirit at work.
Finally, on Sunday we had an international mass followed in good catholic style by an international meal.
While this was not an ordinary week, it was a sneak peek at the exciting adventures that lie ahead of a life of ministry back home in the diocese of brentwood.